
Social Research Committee

It is the committee concerned with studying the cases of needy families and evaluating their material and in-kind needs according to the assistance guide of "Jid Al-Haj Charity Society".


Tasks of the Committee:

  • Searching for a training mechanism for committee members in the field of social research.
  • Study the reality of the families and cases required to be sponsored by the association, and it will be a social and field study.
  • Prepare a description and classification of the families and cases studied.
  • Providing direct opinion and evaluation based on experience and information collected for the cases studied.
  • Carrying out the work of preserving and documenting work-related documents, forms, studies, statistics, and statements, on paper and electronically, and ensuring that they are indexed and followed up continuously.
  • Maintaining incoming and outgoing work-related correspondence.
  • Preparing paper and electronic reports for poor families and orphans.
  • Re-examining and evaluating the conditions of families and sponsored cases periodically.
  • Preparing sequential general lists of the names of families and orphans.
  • Conducting personal interviews with the head of the family and family members to obtain direct information about their home environment, sources of income, and everything else needed for the study.
  • Maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of information.